Little Einstein Explorer Transport
Little Einstein’s Explorer Transport is a before and after-school transportation service.
It is more than just a reliable and convenient way to transport your children!
It is a community-minded service that is committed to giving back and helping others in Mesa, AZ.
We are proudly partnered with Burke Basic Charter School.
Our Buses pick up and drop off children from the following schools:
Porter Elementary Charter School
Irving Elementary School
Harris Elementary School
Sequoia Elementary Charter School
Safety is our top priority! We ensure that our children are safely transported from school to our preschool.
Our buses are all up to standard regulations, including seatbelts! Our drivers are all comprehensively trained and have had a full background check.
Get Our Free Parent Pack
We’d love to send you a FREE Parent Pack, full of helpful information about Little Einstein Preschool.
Our Explorer Transport guarantees!
We provide booster seats for our children.
All our buses have seat belts.
Drivers have been comprehensively trained to recognised standards.
Drivers have had a full background check - with fingerprint cards and a clean driving record.
We provide booster seats for our children.
All our buses have seat belts.
Drivers have been comprehensively trained to recognised standards.
Drivers have had a full background check - with fingerprint cards and a clean driving record.
The best way to discover what makes Little Einstein Preschool special is to see it firsthand. We provide engaging and interactive tours at our Mesa location daily. We look forward to meeting you soon and getting to know you and your child more!
Schedule a Tour at Little Einstein Preschool
The best way to discover what makes Little Einstein Preschool special is to see it firsthand. We provide engaging and interactive tours at our Chandler location daily. We look forward to meeting you soon and getting to know you and your child more!
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